Colin Doyle
 A R C H I T E C T

Residential Projects

Click on any photo for caption and to start slideshow for that project.

Addition and Remodel
Bodega Bay, CA
Addition and Remodel
Sebastopol, CA
New Cottage
Sebastopol, CA
Addition and Remodel and New Pool House
Hillsborough, CA
Addition and Remodel
Sebastopol, CA
Addition and Remodel
Bodega Bay, CA
New Residence
Oakland Hills, CA
New Residence
Fairfax, CA
Historical Addition and Remodel
Penngrove, CA
This two story split level addition required design approval from the Sonoma County Landmarks Commission.
Deck Reconstruction
Bodega Bay, CA
Addition and Remodel
Mountain View, CA
Addition and Remodel
Sebastopol, CA
Addition Over Garage
Sebastopol, CA
Addition and Remodel
Sebastopol, CA